While Readin’, ‘Ritin’, and ‘Rithmetic are considered the fundamentals of literacy, there’s so much more to education in today’s society. Art, music, science, technology, field trips, student activities and clubs make up a more well-rounded experience. Productive employees, community leaders, and volunteers are a product of their education as a whole. The Troy Area School District Foundation (TASD Foundation) and the Troy Alumni Association have partnered, not only to positively affect learning experiences more efficiently, but to also push their capabilities for these missions into the 21st Century. This partnership includes a website and social media channels to promote the organizations’ endeavors in the school district, among alumni and throughout the community.
Overlapping Missions

The Troy Alumni Association was established early in the school’s history, in 1877. The organization was active until the mid-1970’s when interest and funding waned. In 2005, a resurgence of Alumni activity started with a small group determined to promote the relationships formed during student’s education, as well as to form a network of mentors, build resources to assist classes with reunions, and welcome new classes of Alumni.
The TASD Foundation was established in 1999 to supplement education in the k-12

classrooms in the Troy School District through teacher grants and student scholarships. The organization supports the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, an early childhood literary program. All children, from birth to age 5, living in the Troy Area School District are eligible to receive a book a month mailed directly to them. The Foundation has also awarded over $800,000 in scholarships since its inception. The Organization hosts a Golf Tournament in June that raises funds for this program. Check these projects out on the new website.
Celebrating a 100 Year Milestone
One upcoming event is especially important to these groups, the 100th Anniversary of Troy High School. Built to replace the original structure that burnt in 1922, the current building, with most features of the early Colonial-Revival style still intact, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. As important to this milestone as the building itself are the generations of students, faculty and staff that have graced the halls. A Centennial Celebration of the building and the people that came through it is being planned for October 2023.
Call to Action for Alumni and the Troy Community
Welcome! Stay up to date with planning, volunteer opportunities and fundraising activities on this site and new social media channels. Check out the upcoming Alumni Induction in May and the Golf Tournament in June on the Event page. Lastly, please help by sharing among graduated class groups, community organizations, and youth in the Troy area.
Facebook - Troy PA School Foundation and Alumni
Website - www.troypaschoolfoundation.org